What is Freeze Dry Technology?

We all know that fruits and vegetables are dried in the sun or in an oven. But did you know that the freeze dry technology can extend the shelf life of fruits?

  • Fruits are first frozen, then dried.
  • Fruits are dehydrated under vacuum.
  • The nutritional and vitamin content of the fruit is preserved, and its taste, color, aroma, and shape remain unchanged.
  • With moisture content reduced to as low as 2%, they become long-lasting fruits.

What is Freeze Dried Fruit?

  • Thanks to freeze dry technology, the nutritional values of freeze-dried fruits are preserved up to 97%. Additionally, the taste, color, aroma, and shape of the fruit remain unchanged.
  • Freeze-dried fruits only contain natural fruit sugars and do not contain any added sugars or additives.
  • They have a long shelf life due to their low moisture content.
  • Unlike traditional dried fruits, they have a completely crunchy texture.

Who Can Consume Freeze-Dried Fruits?

Freeze-dried fruits can be consumed by everyone from babies just starting on solid foods to elderly people. With their crunchy texture and quick disintegration in the mouth, they are perfect for babies without teeth and elderly people with dental issues.

What Are the Uses of Freeze-Dried Fruits?

Freeze-dried fruits have a wide range of uses. They can be used directly or easily powdered for various applications.

  • They can be used as healthy snacks or served alongside tea, coffee, or other beverages.
  • They can be used in recipes with granola, oatmeal, or muesli as a snack.
  • They can be used in various beverage preparations and in unique presentations of prepared beverages.
  • They can be used as powder or particles in cake creams and mixtures for color and flavor enhancement.
  • They can be used in cake decoration and in the preparation of fruit chocolates.

Freeze-dried fruits are an alternative snack for athletes, dieters, vegans, and especially children. They are a healthy and natural option that can be consumed at home, at work, at school, during sports, on trips—anywhere! Discover HapHug's Freeze-Dried Fruits by clicking here